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HAPPY FOURTH! (July 4th, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
My computer has not been working for a while so site construction will be slow. But the new site will be coming out in a month, and with information about any new Armor Form cards that have come out, including Kenkimon, Thunderbirmon, FlaWizarmon, and Salamandemon. So be on the lookout! |
MORE SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT NEWS (March 30th, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
I know exactly how the new site is gonna look. The only problem is that it's going to take a LOOONG time to get all of it done. That because instead of having all of one Digimon's cards be on the same page, there will be a 'main' page with links to each individual info page. Oh yeah, the new site will be using actual frames, so make sure you have a frame-enabled browser. Bye now! |
SLIGHTLY IMPORTANT NEWS (March 07th, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
Booster 14 is out in Japan, but I'm having a hard time finding information on what cards are in the series, but I have heard that there might be Pegasusmon and Digmon cards in the series. Now on to the slightly important news. I will for a fact be changing the look of the site, adding Deva and Guardian Digimon displays... and also moving the site along with my name. To what, I'm not saying quite yet... All this will happen April 1st, and that's no April Fools. Heh. |
NEWS (March 03rd, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
Booster 14 is about to come out in Japan, and since Season 4 is going to start soon, we get to see some of the all new Digimon! The downside is that could mean no more Armored Digimon cards. I think there is also one more Ex-Booster series for Season 3, so there's another chance at getting some new cards. I'm also sorta getting tired of this look. I don't know what I'm gonna do yet, but I'm gonna do something. Maybe I'll change the layout on April Fools Day. Heh. So longi for now! |
VALENTINE'S DAY (February 14th, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
Happy Valentine's Day! As usual... no new Armored Digimon cards have been released in Japan. But since I haven't actually checked, I don't *really* know, but I doubt it. Oh well. Guess this site will just be some sort of information site that doesn't add new stuff every day. I don't know. All I know is that I'm hyped up on sugar! Mmm... chocolate... |
UPDATE (January 27th, 2002) ~ AngePatomon |
Almost an entire month, and no new Armored Digimon cards have been released in Japan. They even released their Ex-Booster Series 3. The only good news is that there are Armored Digimon cards in America's new Series 5 Boosters! Between Series 3, 4, and 5, almost all the Armored Digimon have cards. The only ones missing are Magnamon, Sethmon, Orcamon, Moosemon, and Rapidmon. Also in Series 5 are Gold-Stamped cards of the Four Guardian Digimon. Speaking of which, I might add in sections for the Devas and the Four Guardians. In the Japanes Card game, all the Devas digivolve from Armored Digimon, and the Four Guardians all digivolve from Devas. Pretty interesting, eh? I mean, Gatomon has the potential to digivolve to Azulongmon, Baihumon, or Ebonwumon (the blue dragon, white tiger, or red bird)! So expect displays for those Digimon in the future |
NEW YEARS EVE (December 31st, 2001) ~ AngePatomon |
It's that time of year again... that time when the year ends! Happy Early New Years! My internet connection seems like it's working, but we need the AT&T people to come and do stuff. NEways, all the Digimon pages have a new look to them, and all Navigation is different too! So go have a look around! Oh, and the Digimon listed below have new displays! New Displays: Flamedramon ~ Depthmon ~ Magnamon ~ Rinkmon ~ Shurimon ~ Peacockmon ~ Elephantmon ~ Stegomon ~ Rhinomon ~ Tylomon ~ Opossumon ~ Maildramon ~ Kongoumon |